Project Manhood Step 3:


Looks can be deceiving!


They’ve got a big job ahead of them!


Give them everything they need.

Select Your Leaders

Download Our Leader Selection Checklist

Prepare Your Leaders

Watch Our Leadership Training Webinar

Support Your Leaders

Download the Guide We Give Leaders

Discover More of our 9 Steps to a Powerful Boys Ministry that Grows Your Church

The Project Manhood Roadmap


1. Select Your Leaders

Project Manhood teaches you to assign two men to lead the program. Jesus sent them out two-by-two for good reason–support, accountability, and double the power. And because a Project Manhood ministry requires leaders who can:

  • Organize
  • Pray
  • Lead a group of men
  • Teach sessions with boys from a curriculum
  • Counsel and coach boys, Mentor-Coaches, and even families.
  • And more!

Being a Project Manhood Leader is a Big Job!

So in our Coaching Program, we show you exactly what to look for and how to find such men (and you may not have both of them in your church!)


2. Prepare Your Leaders

Being a Project Manhood co-leader is a big job that requires a man who is both growing in personal development and leadership skills specific to this kind of ministry.

Growth in Character and Skills is Necessary

Our leadership development program does both.  It gives you a roadmap and tools to help your leaders grow in their own manhood, such as their ability to identify their feelings and share them, to handle their own anger, self-doubts, and any other personal growth issues.

And we teach them the skills of organizing the program, planning the lessons, teaching the lessons, understanding and working with boys’ issues, and working with the Mentor-Coaches.

3. Support

3. Support Your Leaders

Give them ongoing training, emotional support, and removing obstacles (in the church and out of it) to effectively running the program.

There are always challenges in running any ministry.

We give you all the tools your leaders will need to run an effective program.